100h Yoga Teacher Training


Learn Yoga in its purest form directly from an Indian Yogi.

Become your own Yoga Teacher and learn how to practice by yourself.

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Do you want to deepen your yogic knowledge?

Learn directly from an Indian Yogi.

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Deepen your knowledge and

become your own Yoga Teacher

This 100-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Sweden is specially designed for beginners and people who have been practising yoga for some time. This yoga course will help you to deepen your Yogic knowledge and also to take your personal practice to the next level. Moreover, you will be given the essential and necessary tools to practice yoga all by yourself. You will become your own yoga teacher.

This 100h Yoga Teacher Training is for You if...

You want to deepen your knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda

You want to practice Yoga by yourself without the need of a teacher

You want peace in your mind, heart and life

You want to learn more about Yogic diet

What you will learn

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Asanas & Sequencing
Pranayama, Mudras & Bandhas
Ayurveda & Yogic Diet
Yogic Philosophy & Scripture
Anatomy & Physiology
Concentration & Meditation

Our Mission

is to spread authentic yoga  

Student's voice ★★★★★

Camille (France)

It was an amazing experience. I feel that I have been given the main keys to becoming a professional Yoga Teacher.

Student's voice ★★★★★

Patrik (Sweden)

 After three weeks, I left with far more knowledge about myself, the human system and Yoga than I ever expected.

Student's voice ★★★★★

Nadia (Switzerland)

Living here in the Ashram was almost like being in India. I am very exited to implement everything that I learnt in my daily life.

Start your yogic journey now!

Meet your teachers

nipunsharma - 100h YTTC Sweden

Nipun Sharma

 Yogi / Energy Healer / Spiritual Counsellor

Born and raised in India, practices Yoga since his childhood, studied Naturopathy and Yoga Science, loves to immerse in nature.

His mission is to spread the message and teachings of traditional Yoga
from door to door, and shore to shore.

More about Nipun

lenisharma - 100h YTTC Sweden

Leni Sharma

Yoga Teacher / Shamanic Practitioner / Energy healer

Teaches Yoga since 2015, trained under experienced Yogis and Shamans, Vegan Chef, loves to embark on outdoor adventures.

Her vocation is to help others find their true self to grow on all levels
- body, mind, soul and spirit.

More about Leni

What our graduates say

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Ina (Austria)

The teaching and the structure were all very clear, quite demanding, but wonderful!! Good practice every day, so that we were led step by step into teaching by ourselves, it all gave a lot of secure feeling, with the Yoga Philosophy and all the other precious topics in my mind. Great, thanks, I´m going to teach mainly the “Golden Age” and handicapped people!!

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Patrik (Sweden)

I am very grateful for choosing to invest in my teacher training with Yog Temple. It is undeniable that both Leni and Nipun are super dedicated to Yoga and Ayurveda. After three weeks, I left with far more knowledge about myself, the human system and Yoga than I ever expected. My mind, my body and my spirit developed during my stay with Leni and Nipun , and for me that is what really makes me want to recommend Yog Temple.

anita - 100h YTTC Sweden

Anita (Germany)

Both teachers conveyed the content to us in an interesting and understandable way. The three-week YTT was intense and exciting, for the personal and professional development of yoga. Highly recommended !!

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Mandy (Germany)

If you are looking for a special yogic place to learn and to practise Yoga in an authentic way, I can highly recommend the Yoga Teacher Training with Nipun and Leni. Both living 100 % the Yogic-Lifestyle, and they make sure to support and teach you all the time. All they want is to see growing you as a very good Yoga Teacher. Very serious and intense!

markusa - 100h YTTC Sweden

Markus (Austria)

You will meet professional yoga teachers. They have a deep understanding of living the yogic lifestyle. If you want to meet the magic of yoga in a pure and real form, "Yog Temple" would be a good choice.

lenisharma shaman camille - 100h YTTC Sweden

Camille (France)

Yog Temple was the perfect place to complete my yoga teacher training. The teachers were very professional and gave us very serious, complete and authentic yoga training. The classes were diverse and very intense - excellent to learn a lot in little time (3 weeks). Nipun is a very serious teacher with a wealth of knowledge. He wants to transmit yogic philosophy and physical practices. Leni was excellent in teaching anatomy and Ayurveda. You really feel they want to train excellent and serious future yoga teachers.

What you will receive

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During this 100-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Sweden you will learn pranayamas (breathing techniques), how to meditate, body cleansing techniques, introduction to Ayurveda, anatomy and physiology of the human body, sun salutation, standing asanas, seated forward bending asanas, backward bending asanas, twisting asanas, meditation asanas, inverted asanas including head stand and how to make your own yoga sequence.

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Authentic Hatha Yoga

Learn directly from an Indian Yogi. In order to fully focus on your growth, we take max. 4 students at a time.

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Traditional Ashram Life

Experience the true yogic lifestyle in our Ashram and learn how to implement it into your daily life.

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Life-long support

We don't leave you hanging. You can always reach out to us for guidance and help - for your lifetime.

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Cleansing on all levels

Detox your body, calm your mind and learn how to cleans your chakras with yogic techniques.

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Receive the HYTTC100 Certificate from Yog Temple and become your own Yoga Teacher.

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Science-based knowledge

We teach classical Hatha Yoga, which is based on the millenia-old yogic science of the Vedas.

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Included in the program

100 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Certification

Yog Temple's exclusive teacher's manual, Sequence Sheets, Mantra Sheets, Anatomy and Ayurveda Manual

11 nights of single accommodations at the Yoga Ashram Sweden

All meals (yogic, ayurvedic and vegan)

Life-long support through the teachers

Welcome and Certification Ceremony


Not included in the program

Travel costs / Transfer costs


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Our 100h Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course takes place in our Yoga Ashram in Virserum, South Sweden.

More information you can find here.

Course fee

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Regular Price: 2229€

Early Bird Discount (book 3 months before course start): safe 200€



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coming soon

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Write to us (info@yogtemple.com) or book your call with us.

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