Halasana - plow pose
Sanskrit: Hala - Plow, Asana - Pose
The body takes on a pose reminiscent of a typical plow that is still in use in Tibet and India. The pose can already be performed by beginners. However, as soon as the feet touch the ground, it is considered as an advanced pose. Halasana is often performed directly after Sarvangasana (shoulder stand).
- Level: Beginner / Advanced
- Duration: 30 - 60 seconds
- Repetition: none
- Stretches: shoulders, spine
- Strengthens: spine, neck
- Chakra: Manipura and Vishuddhi Chakra (Solar Plexus and Throat Chakra)
Benefits of Padahastasana
♥ Massages the internal organs
♥ Activates the digestive organs
♥ Helps with constipation
♥ Revitalizes the spleen
♥ Promotes insulin production
♥ Strengthens pancreas, liver, and kidneys
♥ Strengthens the abdominal muscles
♥ Helps with back pain
♥ Promotes blood circulation
♥ Regulates the thyroid gland and thus the energy consumption in the body
♥ Promotes the immune system
Contraindications of Padahastasana
♦ a hernia
♦ slipped disc
♦ sciatic pain
♦ high blood pressure
♦ severe back problems
♦ arthritis in the neck
♦ pregnancy
Instructions for Halasana

- Lie flat on your back with your arms next to your body, palms facing up.
- Inhale and raise your legs by contracting your abdominal muscles. Bring your legs to a 90° angle.
- Use your hands to support your hips as you lift them off the floor.
- Now bring your legs into a 180° angle so that your toes touch the ground behind your head.
- Hold this pose for up to a minute and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe calmly and slowly.
- To get out of the pose, exhale and bring your legs back to their starting position - slowly and controlled.
The science behind Padahastasana
The plow position nourishes the entire body. It improves blood circulation and adds suppleness to the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Halasana helps with stress. It releases respirational and nervous problems.
The plow plays a key role in many mystical stories from India, China, and Egypt. While plowing, the childless King Janaka discovered a beautiful baby girl, who he adopted and named Sita. Sita grew up and married Rama. This story shows how the plug reveals hidden treasures. And that's exactly what the plow pose does for you: it reveals the hidden treasures of your inner self.
Note: Yoga beginners should first learn all yoga practices from a competent teacher and then practice alone.