
yoga for diabetes - Yoga for Diabetes

Yoga for Diabetes

In the last 20 years, Diabetes has spread very intensely and is affecting millions of people worldwide. Having diabetes means restrictions on the food you consume, and some people also may have to eat medicine and inject insulin. Even after following these restrictions and having these medicines, Diabetes takes a toll on people’s life. The …

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Partnership and Pregnancy – How can I handle changes?

Partnership and Pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time of great changes. Your body, your emotions, and your relationships are in a state of flux. It is quite normal for both parents to experience a variety of emotions – positive and negative. The emotional state of you and your partner is already affecting the mental and physical …

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Yoga for stress

 Stress – widespread disease of our time Yoga for stress. Short-term stress can cause headaches, insomnia, digestive problems, muscle tension, and irritability. If stress becomes chronic, fatigue and naturally dissatisfaction will occur. Long-term stress becomes a health risk. Your body is constantly alarmed and ready to escape. This genetic remnant of our Stone Age ancestors …

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