
Asana of the Month: Padahastasana

Padahastasana - Hand to foot pose

(also known as Uttanasana)

Sanskrit: Pada - foot, Hasta - hand, Asana - pose

Padahastasana is an advanced pose that requires flexibility in the thighs and knees. This pose is part of the Suryanamaskara (sun salutation) and has a great effect on your body. It heals and rejuvenates. It stimulates the circulation of the brain and brings a rush of oxygen into our cells.


  • Level: Advanced
  • Duration: 15-30 seconds
  • Repetition: none
  • Stretches: hips, hamstrings, calves
  • Strengthens: knees, thighs
  • Chakra: Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)

Benefits of Padahastasana

♥ forms the digestive organs

♥ helps with constipation

♥ brings vitality

♥ increases metabolism

♥ promotes concentration

♥ helps with neck and nose problems

♥ reduces weight (when done dynamically)


Contraindications of Padahastasana

♦ severe back problems

♦ sciatic pain

♦ heart problems

♦ high blood pressure

♦ a hernia

♦ pregnancy (possible with legs spread)


Instructions for Padahastasana

  1. Stand straight, feet next to each other, hands on the sides. Tighten your body.
  2. Inhale and bring your arms up over your head.
  3. Exhale and lean forward. The spine stays straight and you only bend from the hip. To keep your balance move your tailbone slightly backward.
  4. Your knees are not tense. If necessary, you can bend them a bit to get deep into the pose.
  5. You can either keep your hands on the ground next to your feet or put your fingers around your big toes. If you can not reach the ground you can grasp your thighs or calves and intensify your stretching.
  6. Your spine stays straight. Your stomach should not be crushed. Keep the area between the sternum and pubis wide. Your lower back should not be round, but straight and stretched.
  7. Your head hangs relaxed. Look through your legs and hold the pose. Breathe calmly and calmly.
  8. To get out of the pose, tighten your abdominal muscles. Inhale and with your back straight and extended rise up slowly and controlled.


The science behind Padahastasana

This asana stretches your entire backside: from the soles of your feet, the back of your legs, your spine and scalp, to your eyebrows. Padahastasana flexes all the muscles and connective tissues of the body. It looks easy, but it is a challenge for the body, so you should only do this pose when you are warmed up.

Note: Yoga beginners should first learn all yoga practices from a competent teacher and then practice alone.

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