200h Yogalehrer-Ausbildung
Jeder kann die Methoden des Schamanismus erlernen und anwenden, um gesundheitliche Probleme zu lösen - für sich selbst und für andere. Schamanismus ist auch ein Weg, um höheres Bewusstsein zu erlangen. Schamanische Arbeit ermöglicht es, hinter den Schleier der sichtbaren Welt zu sehen um tiefgehende Zusammenhänge zu verstehen. Komm und finde dich!
100h Yogalehrer-Ausbildung
Bei diesem 2-wöchigen Programm mit unserem indischen Yogalehrer kannst du dein Yoga Wissen vertiefen und deine Praxis auf die nächste Stufe heben. Lerne alleine und selbständig Yoga zu praktizieren. Spar dir die wöchentliche Yogaklasse und mache Yoga zuhause. Sicher, selbstbewusst, entspannt - werde dein eigener Lehrer und tauche tief ein in dieses uralte Wissen.
200h Yoga Teacher Training
200h YTTC | Termine | Status |
21-Tage 200h YTTC- Juli 2021 | 4.-24. Juli 2021 | Jetzt buchen |
21-Tage 200h YTTC- August 2021 | 1.-21. August 2021 | Jetzt buchen |
21-Tage 200h YTTC- September 2021 | 5.-25. September 2021 | Jetzt buchen |
21-Tage 200h YTTC- Oktober 2021 | 3.-23. Oktober 2021 | Jetzt buchen |
21-Tage 200h YTTC- November 2021 | 31. October-20. November 2021 | Jetzt buchen |
21-Tage 200h YTTC- Dezember 2021 | 28. November-18. Dezember 2021 | Jetzt buchen |
100h Yoga Teacher Training
100h YTTC | Datum | Status |
100h YTTC - Februar 2020 | 10.-22. Februar 2020 | Jetzt anmelden! |
Entdecke wie du auf allen Ebenen gesund sein kannst
... körperlich, geistig, emotional & spirituell
Wir bieten international anerkannte Yogalehrerausbildungen, Schamanismuskurse und Yogaretreats an. Unsere Schule ist registriert bei Yoga Alliance International und Indian Federation of Yoga und unsere Zertifikate sind weltweit gültig. Mit Nipun, unserem indischen Yogalehrer, kannst du die Geheimnisse dieser uralten Lebensweise hautnah und authentisch erleben. Durch seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung lehrt er, wie traditionelles Yoga in der modernen Zeit gelebt werden kann. Unsere Yogalehrerausbildung beinhaltet alle Aspekte des klassisches Hatha Yoga - Meditiation, Pranayama (Atemübungen), Asanas (Körperübungen), Mudras (Handgesten), Bandhas (Energieverschlüsse), Yogaphilosophie und Kriyas (Reinigungstechniken).

Unser Ziel
ist es, einen authentisch yogischen Lebensstil zu verbreiten ॐ

Schamanismus ist die älteste Heilmethode der Menschheit. Seit tausenden von Jahren werden in allen Kulturen auf dem gesamten Globus schamanische Heilmethoden angewandt. Auch in unseren Breitenkreisen gewinnt er zunehmend wieder an Akzeptanz und Relevanz . Bereits 1980 wurde dem Schamanismus von der WHO (World Health Organisation) in der Behandlung psychosomatischer Erkrankungen dieselbe Bedeutung zuerkannt wie der westlichen Schulmedizin. Mehr über Schamanismus erfährst du hier.
In unserer Schamanismusaubildung, unseren Retreats und unseren Workshops geben wir dieses uralte Wissen weiter und verbinden es mit Yoga und Ayurveda. Dadurch erzielen wir eine umfangreiche und tiefgreifende Heilung für unsere Klienten.
Schamanismus Ausbildung
Schamanismus | Datum | Status |
Schamanismus-Ausbildung - September 2020 | 28. September-3. Oktober 2020 | Jetzt anmelden! |
Schamanismus-Ausbildung - Oktober 2020 | 26.-31. Oktober 2020 | Jetzt anmelden! |
Schamanismus-Ausbildung - November 2020 | 22.-28. November 2020 | Jetzt anmelden! |
Schamanismus-Ausbildung - Dezember 2020 | 13.-19. Dezember 2020 | Jetzt anmelden! |
Schamanismus-Ausbildung - January 2021 | 2.-8. January 2021 | Jetzt anmelden! |
2-wöchige Schamanismus-Ausbildung - März 2021 | 14.-27. März 2021 | Jetzt anmelden! |
Schamanismus-Ausbildung - April 2021 | 4.-10. April 2021 | Jetzt anmelden! |
Schamanismus-Ausbildung - Mai 2021 | 23.-29. Mai 2021 | Jetzt anmelden! |
2-wöchige Schamanismus-Ausbildung - Juni 2021 | 13.-26. Juni 2021 | Jetzt anmelden! |
Erlebe die Zeit in der Natur und füll deine Energiereserven auf. Entspanne in Frieden und lass die Seele baumeln.
Verbinde dich zu deinem inneren Selbst und verbringe unvergessliche Momente mit Gleichgesinnten.
Erhalte tiefgreifendes Wissen und die Fähigkeit, diese neu erlernten Dinge in dein Leben zu integrieren.
"Yoga ist eine transformierende Reise"
I attended the 21 day shamanism course. Being very new to shamanism I was not sure what to expect, but durung the 3 weeks I learnt so many techniques that I am now applying to my life. The work was very deep so it was important to me that the class size was so small.
I found that the combination of morning yoga and study of anatomy and Ayurveda worked really well with the practical shamanism classes. The yoga and meditation/mantra chanting really helped me to start the day feeling grounded and ready for the shamanism class. I was already familiar with Ayurveda but it was good to learn more. Overall I really feel that the course has given me a solid foundation on which to continue my shamanic practice.
Amy (UK) – Shamanism Yoga Course in Goa, India 2017
I joined a yoga course for three days and it was a great experience working with Nipun und Leni. Nipun is a great, authentic, calm Indian yoga teacher. Meditation and shamanic experience with Leni was very interesting and inspiring. Can only recommend this course. Felt very welcome and looked after.
Petra (Austria) – Yoga Retreat in Austria 2018
I did my Yoga Teacher Training in Yog Temple, India. Was awesome! Great teachers and great people I met there. They were very kind and helpful, giving us beautiful clases that I loved! It was a intense month but very enriching. I would recommend Yog Temple for a nice and personal teacher training. Thanks for everything!
Sara (Spain) – Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India 2014
I did a Yoga Course with Yog Temple in Austria. It was an amazing experience! Nipun is a great teacher and really brings an indian vibe into the class. I really liked his asana sequences, which were challenging and rejuvenating at the same time. I recommend the course to anyone who really wants to learn authentic yoga. I have never hear such a deep and resonant OM before, than that from Nipun 😉
Ninni (Austria) – Yoga Teacher Training in Austria 2017
Summing up it was a great experience at Yog Temple. The training was very interesting and I learnt a lot about yoga and yogic lifestyle. The surrounding was amazing, peaceful and quite. Nipun is a great and patient teacher. The ashram is comfortable and clean. I would recommend everyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding about yoga to come to Yog Temple.
Serpil (Turkey) – Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India 2015
I chose Yog Temple for my RYS 200 hour Teacher Training course because I wanted a unique and memorable experience and I was not disappointed! I learned and achieved far more during my training than I could ever have hoped for.
The Ashram, though basic, is spacious and clean, creating a very zen like ambiance. The teachers are masters of their craft and I completed my classes feeling enlightened and empowered. Yog Temple is a great location for all types of Yogis, from beginner to advanced. I am already planning my next visit!
Simon (USA) – Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India 2015
The Teachers are two lovely souls that share a different approach to the practice which makes it complete. One of them was more detailed about alignment and strength, while the other took you deeper into the belief of yoga. The experience was quite amazing and refreshing. Teachers are very friendly and help ease the process of being in a strange country. Furthermore, you leave the temple feeling fulfilled and happy with your own accomplishment. I would recommend YogTemple to anyone who is looking for more insight into yoga and specifically the strength within, Thank for a great experience!
Sartawi (Kuwait) – Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India 2015
Living for almost a whole month with 2 beautiful Yoga teachers is such a great experience that may enhance your entire lifestyle! Thanks for being very friendly and consistently helpful during and even after the Yoga Teacher Training course. The teachers make you experience the whole Yogi life !
Kareem (Egypt) – Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India 2015
I did a yoga teacher training with Nipun and Leni in Wagrain/Austria. It was a challenge, an experience, and I learned a lot from yoga, India, and myself. The two are very helpful, sympathetic and authentic. Can only recommend the course, would do it again.
Shirin (Germany) – Yoga Teacher Training in Austria 2018
The yogic atmosphere … similar to an Ashram, was a great benefit for me!! Originally I wanted to do the Yoga Teacher Training in India … Nipun instead came to Austria, so no flight in this year was necessary, it made me so happy.The teaching and the structure were all very clear, quite demanding, but wonderful!! Good practice every day, so that we were led step by step into teaching by ourselves, it all gave a lot of secure feeling, with the Yoga Philosophy and all the other precious topics in my mind. Great thanks, I´m going to teach mainly the „Golden Age“ and handicapped people!!
Ina (Austria) – Yoga Teacher Training in Austria 2019

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