Setu Asana - Bridge Pose
Sanskrit: Setu Bridge, Asana Pose
The bridge position is a backbend that specifically stretches the lumbar spine and abdominal muscles. The pose looks like a bridge, hence the name. Especially if you spend a lot of time in front of the laptop, this position will be good for you. Setu Asana improves posture and helps with a round back.
- Level: Beginner
- Duration: 10-60 seconds
- Repetition: up to 10
- Stretches: chest, legs, spine
- Strengthens: legs, back, arms, chest
- Chakra: Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus)
Benefits of Shavasana
♥ Strengthens the nervous, digestive, respiratory, circulatory and endocrine system
♥ Regulates hormone secretion
♥ Helps with numerous problems of the female reproductive system
♥ Strengthens the lumbar spine
♥ Stretches shortened Achilles tendons
♥ Improves the health of all organs
Contraindications of Shavasana
♦ High blood pressure
♦ Heart ailments
♦ Stomach ulcer
♦ Weak Wrists
Instructions for Shavasana
- Sit with legs stretched out. Palms next to your body and about 30cm behind the buttocks, facing down. Elbows are pushed through and the fingers are facing back.
- First lift your buttocks off the ground and then the entire body.
- You can let the head hang relaxed.
- The soles of the feet lie flat on the ground. The arms are pushed through.
- Hold this position as long as it is comfortable for you.
- Lower your buttocks back to the ground. That's one round.
The science behind Shavasana
Setu Asana strengthens the lumbar spine through the intense stretching and thus helps with existing back pain and to prevent back problems. Furthermore, the Achilles tendons are stretched and the blood circulation stimulated. The entire spine and the nerves between the vertebrae are strengthened. As a result, the condition of all organs and the general health of the practitioner improve. The bridges position is especially recommended during pregnancy and during menstruation. Because it stimulates blood flow and revitalizes the uterus. Another benefit of this asana is the regulation of the kidneys and thyroid gland.
Note: Yoga beginners should first learn all yoga practices from a competent teacher and then practice alone.