
Asana of the Month: Eka Pada Pranamasana

Eka Pada Pranamasana - One-legged prayer pose

Sanskrit: Eka - one, Pada - foot, Pranama - salutation, Asana - pose

Eka Pada Pranamasana strengthens the leg muscles and improves the balance - physically and mentally. Consciousness and focus are sharpened and the mind is quieted. The One-legged prayer pose increases self-confidence and willpower.

  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: up to 2 minutes per leg
  • Repetition: up to 3 per leg
  • Stretches: thighs, shoulders, rib cage, groin
  • Strengthens: spine, thighs, ankles, calves
  • Chakra: Ajna and Anahata Chakra (third eye and heart chakra)

Benefits of Eka Pada Pranamasana

♥ Improves balance

♥ Strengthens the nerves

♥ Strengthens legs, ankles and foot muscles

♥ Brings peace and stability

Contraindications of Eka Pada Pranamasana

♦ If you suffer from high blood pressure, do not put your arms over your head (Vrikshasana - the tree) but hold it in front of the chest in Anjali-Mudra.


Instructions for Eka Pada Pranamasana

  1. Stand straight, feet together and arms on the side.
  2. Find a point about a meter in front of you on the ground and focus on it.
  3. Bend your right leg and grab a right ankle. Place your right sole on the inside of your left thigh.
  4. The heel should be close to the perineum. Your knee points outward.
  5. When you have balanced yourself, place your hands in Anjali Mudra (Prayer position) in front of your chest.
  6. To get out of the pose, release your hands and then your leg. Repeat on the right side.


The science behind Eka Pada Pranamasana

This asana is above all about balance. It not only improves balance but also strengthens the nervous system. To balance your body, the mind must be focused as well. When your thoughts circle, the body comes out of balance. Stress and tension forbid you to balance yourself. Eka Pada Pranamasana also strengthens your joints and bones and stretches your hips and chest. It also loosens your shoulders and strengthens your arms. Traditionally, this pose opens the Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra), which is associated with love, forgiveness, compassion, and empathy. Further, it stimulates the Ajna Chakra and thus opens the doors to your higher self.

Note: Yoga beginners should first learn all yoga practices from a competent teacher and then practice alone.

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