
Yoga for neck pain

Unfortunately, neck pain is part of everyday life for many people. Especially the long sitting, which is unnatural for our body, quickly creates tension in the neck. Furthermore, stress and inner tension and inadequate exercise cause neck pain. But with the help of Yoga and Ayurveda, these pains disappear just as fast as they came.

Asanas – Yoga poses for neck pain

The easiest and most effective exercises to relieve neck pain are shoulder and neck rotations. All exercises should be done slowly. Do not strain. These exercises are also perfect to do in the office. They are not only extremely helpful for neck pain. They also improve the blood circulation of the brain and thus the concentration.

Skandha Chakra (shoulder rotation)

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Sit or stand straight. The left arm is relaxed. Bend the right arm and bring the right hand to the right shoulder. Now rotate your right elbow 10 times clockwise and 10 times anti-clockwise – slowly and in a controlled manner. Inhale in the upward movement and exhale in the downward movement. Repeat this exercise with the left arm while the right arm relaxes. Finally, do the exercise with both arms at the same time. 10 times clockwise and 10 times anti-clockwise.

Greeva Sanchalana (neck movements)

Sit comfortably, your hands rest in your lap or on your knees. Close your eyes.

Stage 1:

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Exhale and move your head slowly forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest. Now inhale and bring your head back as far as possible without straining. Feel the stretching of the muscles and the loosening of the neck vertebrae. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Stage 2:

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You are still sitting or standing with your eyes closed. Keep your head straight and relax your shoulders. Exhale and move your head to the right side. Bring the right ear as close to the right shoulder as possible. It is not necessary that you touch the shoulder. Exhale and bring your head back to an upright position. Now move your head on the left side while exhaling. Inhale, head upright again. That’s one round. Practice 10 rounds and focus on your breathing. It should be deep and slow.

Stage 3:

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Sit or stand straight, the head is upright, and eyes are closed. Exhale and turn your head to the right side. Your chin should be almost in line with your shoulder. Inhale and bring your head back to the center. Slowly exhale and turn your head to the left as far as it is comfortable for you. Inhale and bring the head back to the middle. That’s one round. Perform 10 rounds.

Stage 4:

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Sit or stand with eyes closed. Now rotate your head slowly and controlled. First, bring your chin to the chest, then to the right, backward, to the left side and to the front again. Rotate calmly, relaxed and rhythmically in a circular motion. 10 times clockwise and 10 times anti-clockwise. Do not stain. If you feel dizzy, open your eyes and skip this stage exercise for the day. After the practice, keep your head straight and eyes closed. Feel the changes in your head and neck for a few moments.



Our hectic everyday life brings tension and stress with it. These are the two secret ingredients for neck pain. In addition to physical exercises, it is therefore important to recognize stress in your life and free yourself from it. Contrary to popular belief, stress does not come from the outside. A situation can be stressful, whether we absorb this stress or leave it where it is, is entirely up to us. Yoga and Ayurveda provide many possibilities to learn how to not absorb stress and stay completely at ease and in peace – even in hectic situations. Not only would that help yourself, but you people around you. Become a center of peace and calm. Regular asana practice, meditation, and ayurvedic self-massage form the basis for a stress-free and relaxed life.


Daily routine

Another important factor to maintain good health the right lifestyle, which does not disturb your natural rhythm. To help the body heal itself, it is essential that we eat, sleep and move regularly and adequately. Look at your own daily routine. Do you get enough sleep? Do you take your meals daily at approximately the same time? Are you moving sufficiently? Routine is the key to physical and mental health.


Abhyanga – Ayurvedic oil massagehans vivek 223133 unsplash 300x199 - Yoga for neck pain

A full-body massage stimulates the blood circulation, relieves tension and deposited toxins. The great thing: You can do it as a self-massage. Therefore, you do not have to find someone who is willing to give you a massage. Self-massage is a wonderful ritual to get to know and love your own body. Enjoy the warm oil and the deep touch of yourself.

Start with the head area and massage in small, circular movements over your face, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. At the long bones you massage with long up and down movements and at the joints in circular movements. The abdomen and chest are massaged in a circular motion, preferably in a clockwise direction. Finally, massage the legs and feet. On the soles of the feet, you can press a little harder, which brings extra relaxation. Use enough oil and let it soak in for 15 minutes. Take a warm shower afterward.

Depending on your constitution type, you can choose different oils. Find out which constitutional type (Dosha) you are. Vata and Kapha should use warming oils like sesame or almond. Pitta should be massaged with a cooling oil such as coconut, which can be mixed with neem oil to reduce heat in the skin.


Warm Pillow

For acute neck pain, a pillow filled with fruit seeds, such as cherry pit or grape seeds, can quickly help. Simply warm the pillow in the oven and then put it in the neck or, you lie down on the pillow. The heat will quickly release the tension. This is a quick fix, but not a long-lasting one. If you often suffer from neck pain, you cannot avoid physical exercises and relaxation exercises.



Ointments with Arnica Montana (wolf’s bane, mountain tobacco) are considered a miracle cure for neck pain. Likewise, the devil’s claw (rampion, grapple plant) with its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties can provide relief. In Ayurveda, we find Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng), which is used for treating pain and swelling.


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