Tridosha, Ayurveda, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Yog Temple, Yoga, Shamanism

The Tridosha according to Ayurveda

Tri (Sanskrit: three), Dosha (Sanskrit: error, spoiler). Therefore, Tridosha describes three mistakes. In Ayurveda, this refers to an imbalance of elements in the body. In the Vedanta tradition (Indian philosophy, which refers to the Vedas), the term Tridosha is also used to refer to three spoilers in the mind: Mala (selfishness), Vikshepa (restlessness), and Avarana …

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spirituality and health, Yog Temple, Yoga School and Healing Centre in India and Austria, Shamanism course India, Yoga Teacher Training India

Spirituality and health – how are they connected?

Spirituality is something very personal, so there is no common definition. In general, spirituality describes our relationship to the transcendent, the divine, the infinite. The word spirituality is derived from the Latin word ‘spirit’, which has several meanings: breath, mind, soul, meaning … Read more about spirituality and what it actually is. The still relatively …

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Ayurveda, Yog Temple, Yogaschool and Healingcentre in Goa India and Austria

What is Ayurveda?

The Western World mainly knows Ayurveda for Ayurvedic diet, but there is much more to discover. Ayurveda is the oldest health system (read here about the oldest healing system – shamanism). It has its origins in the Vedic culture of the Old India. Originally, the knowledge was passed on orally. The first written records were …

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Spiritual Education, Yog Temple, Spiritual Children, Yoga, Shamanism

Spiritual Education – the future for our children?

TConcern for our youth is growing around the world.  Teenagers seem to have no discipline and non-violent values anymore. Although there are many measures against it, an increasing number of teens fall into drug addiction. So something is not quite right. Our teenagers are not in their centre. People often interpret wrongful behaviour as a …

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